Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki? What is energy work? What’s the difference?

Reiki (stemming from the words “Rei” meaning ‘spirit’ or ‘higher power’ and “Ki” meaning ‘life force energy’) is a Japanese technique that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and healing on all levels by connecting to the life force energy that flows through the cosmos and all that is. A reiki practitioner is attuned to this energy and is able to channel it to you to benefit your mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Reiki is for everyone! It is non denominational and completely safe. It can be used to treat physical injury or illness, recovery from medical procedures and it transcends any concept of time, meaning you can send its energy into the past or future. There are no side effects - you can only receive positive benefits from a reiki treatment!

Energy work is a process in which Laura will come into contact with your personal energies, as well as any guides and benevolent beings that may currently be with you. Using her own energy, she will work with your energy to clear out any stagnation, blocks or cords between you and others. Think of it like a home organizer coming in to clear out the clutter in your space! Once excess clutter and heaviness is cleared, your energy is able to move more freely, your desires flow in with more ease, and you have more energy overall to direct towards your goals. You may even experience an increase in immunity and your physical systems!

So what’s the difference? Unlike Energy Sessions that utilize Laura’s energy as well as connections to your guides with a more ‘hands on’ approach to working with your personal energy, Reiki Sessions only include channeled reiki energy. This divine energy directs itself towards the parts of you that need the most healing.

These two modalities can be combined in our Reiki & Energy sessions.

How does my session with Laura work?

*All sessions are currently offered online via Zoom*

We strongly recommend that you have a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for the entirety of your session and suggest you wear comfortable clothing and have water with you as staying hydrated will further assist the energetic healing and clearing.

Here is a link to schedule your session! By scheduling a session with Laura you agree to our Terms & Conditions.

** Prior to your session with Laura, you will be sent an email including details about the length of your session, what you may need to have with you prior/during as well as information for post-session.